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The Global Learning Experience

On this page you will find the different events, capstone activities, and the extra curricular that I took part in for my global learning experience.

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Global Learning: Welcome

Points and Capstone

Tuesday Times Roundtable

These events were every Tuesday, and included a variety of topics and speakers. Some of the pictures contain examples of past events, it shows just how wide a variety of topics were mentioned. My favorite one was "I can't pick one! Exploring your multiple potential(s)." This event really resonated with me, as I really struggled in picking a major and sometimes I still think about the different career paths that interest me. Attending this event allowed me to see that multiple people struggle with this and is actually pretty normal. This showed me that it is ok to see the multiple potential you have and that you do not necessarily have to stick to one career path. This was an eye opening moment for me.

Other Events

There were a variety of events with different part of colleges at FIU that provided great insight and knowledge to global and social topics, and allowed for multiple discussion to gain different perspectives. Some pictures were shown to give a view of the different events that took place. For example, my favorite event that I attended via zoom, was the Cafecito Chat about Young Womxn's Impact in the 305: Bringing the SDGs Home. This event brought in four different female FIU students to talk about the projects they come up with to help assist the community, and the steps, and emotions involved in this process. To me this event showed me that anyone can make the start to new change with the right resources, connections, and perserverance.

Global Learning: Past Events

Student Programming Council

I was part of the Student Programming Council for 2 years. The first year I was a general member and the following year I was part of the marketing committee. I assisted in helping plan and setup events.  Also had a great hands on experience with marketing, and getting the chance to assist with flyer content, and coming up with plans to market different events.

Style Genie

In the summer of 2019 I spent a month in Manila, Philippines for a marketing internship at Style Genie. While there I went with a group of students to different locations to try different foods, explore the region, and learn more about the Philippines culture and history. While at the same time the internship provided me more hands on experience with marketing, and researching for products and information.

Global Learning: Past Events
Image by Susan Yin

Global learning Courses

Global Learning: List

Introduction to Marketing


In this course, the professor used real life examples and his past work experience in the field to teach use different marketing topics. Such as the basics, principles, theories, and how it interacts with different business functions. It also provided the basics into coming up with strategies and develop target markets.

Strategic Management


In this course, we learned how to analyze industries and trends to see how we can improve it and attract more consumers and increase profits. Also learned how to analyze decisions to see which outcome is best. The knowledge gained here can definitely be used to focus and come up with strategies on a global aspect.

Hospitality Marketing Strategy!


In this course, we learned how in the hospitality industry certain marketing tactics, ads, and ideas need to be altered to attract the region/targets they are trying to reach and based on certain local and global events that may be going on. We also had discussions about different topics, such as ads, marketing strategy changes due to COVID, etc, with the class online. Everyone would shares their opinions, articles, and ideas about their take on the discussion.

International Financial Management


In this course, the professor used real examples when teaching the different topics. He even showed us how the currencies across the globe work when doing a currency exchange and how different events can impact the region and change the currency value.

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